Rotten Rice On The Right Side.

My body is rebelling. The right side particularly. It’s as if, at some point in my early twenties, someone drew a line vertically down my middle and labelled the right side ‘trash.’

While I’ve hardly treated my body as any sort of temple, it’s not as if I’ve neglected it either. Sure, I’ve eaten a pig’s tail off the floor of the pub and I’ll admit that not all of the hair attached to it was my own…

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The Weekend's Remnants.

When tasked with writing an opinion piece, the most important thing to do is to have an opinion. Lucky for me, I have plenty of opinions. Opine I do, and opine I do well.

It was Mardi Gras season this year when my most recent opinion came to me. I opened the newspaper and was faced with a full-page ad by quantifiably non-gay job-seek company Indeed.

It read, in rainbow lettering:

A job search without Indeed is like Mardi Gras without a party…

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Replacing Your Gorilla Suit.

My friend Elise has ruined massages for me.

After uni, because I had done a degree in Creative Writing, I got a job at a Natural Therapies College that I used to refer to as ‘Hogwarts’. The students studied homeopathy, naturopathy, beauty and massage. I worked in the cafe where we sold dandelion lattes. I got my eyebrows waxed for free because they “needed practice on boys.”

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